
Mindfulness and Hypnosis Programs

OCOM offers additional training in practical mindfulness: This program is for individuals and groups to learn how to incorporate presence, performance, and depth in your everyday life infused with meaning and purpose

Mindfulness practice is an essential aspect to change


the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose in the present moment and non-judgmentally.
It has many empirically supported benefits, not the least of which is building psychological flexibility.

Mindfulness Based Performance Training for Athletes, Business Professionals, students & Artists

Being able to perform at your highest level requires creating the ideal mental state to excel in your field. Learn how to leverage your Performance Mindset for maximum effect using the OCOM Program


Hypnosis Programs:

Hypnosis is a strategy/technique almost anyone can learn to integrate into their lives to create rapid and sustainable changes ranging from conversational to deep trance work within a hypnotic framework for:

OCOM offers smoking cessation, weigh-less program, pain management, past life exploration, and other areas of interest or need.

Please contact me for more information

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